Our Studio

It is approaching five years since we began to renovate space in the basement of Town Hall for a local television studio available to any resident who wants to produce local access programming. Three of those years saw the Town Hall closed for structural problems. Now we are finally in the home stretch!

Space is equipped and we hope to begin recorded and live programs from the studio very soon, fall of 2012. This means your ideas and participation are more welcome than ever.

Before Town Hall closed, we had worked with contractors on the carpeting, security doors and installation of a dehumidification system, which is keeping the air in our studio area mold-free and comfortably Valuable carpentry and electrical help was received from the Tantasqua vocational program. Painting and scrubbing ~in the three-room suite were done by cable volunteers and Michael Wales painting contractor donated his time and materials for the studio itself. We had to touch up everything again after the long wait for Town Hall, but we’re almost there.

In that time the equipment available got more advanced and smaller than what older studios required, as miniaturization of electronic equipment and more use of computer-based video technology continued.

Watch for announcements about a studio open house!

Volunteer and Cable Advisory Committee member Leon Mitchell stains the cabinetry and woodwork in the new cable studio located in the onetime home of the Town Assessor and Tax Collector. Space has come a long way.