Historical Commission Meeting

@ Hitchcock Academy
Thursday, April 6, 2023 - 6:00pm

I.  Discussion and vote regarding Sue O.'s authorization to submit accounts payable vouchers on behalf of the BHC

II.  Update regarding the bulletin board side of the historic sign.

III.  Newsletter - April edition (Mike) and ideas for May

IV. Records Project/ Roving Archivist Grant- a report is anticipated this month. Updates- Mike

V.  Gazebo Project (Bob)

a. ideas for the spring/summer/fall/holiday season for promoting use of the gazebo and the common

b. assignment of a custodian to maintain the gazebo and it's plantings- letter from BHC to SB?

c. idea of contacting music departments at the elementary school or high school to arrange for concerts or caroling using the gazebo

d. fundraising drive for expanding decorations for lamp posts.

VI. New/Old business