Historical Commission

Meeting date: 
Thursday, February 2, 2023

* The meeting was called to order at 6:04pm with the following members present: Sue Overbey, Sue DeBruin, Adrienne Bachand, and John Curtis. Mark Conners joined remotely. 

I.  Sue O. reported on the financials for the board. A lengthy discussion took place regarding paying for the archival boxes. An unknown charge led us to speculate that it was to purchase materials for the town records project.  Further investigation is necessary.  

II.  Sue O. presented copies of the proposed 2022 Annual Report for the BHC. Additional topics were discussed needing follow up with Mike, regarding the stamp project and Roving Archivist Grant. 

III. John presented information about the records project- having met two times in January. 

*Motion to adjourn made by Sue O., and Second by Sue D at 6:29pm