Historical Commission

Meeting date: 
Thursday, October 5, 2023

Present: Sue D., Mike D., Mark C., John C.

Absent: Adrienne B., Roseann B., Bob C.

* This meeting was not video recorded

I.  Records Project Update:  Mike reported that the work on the vault is moving along well with the inventory of letters, documents, etc. Items are identified, put in sleeves, and then entered into a database. Records include military, poor house, highway information, etc. Brimfield Historical Commission documents on particular topics are similarly scanned and entered into the database. Hard copies are kept in our filing cabinet. More archival materials are needed and will be ordered. 

II. Civil War Monument Project:  A notice of intent has been prepared for grant support for refurbishment of the cannons, and is due by the end of the month. If approved, we can go forward with the full application. What is needed is a total estimate, completion date, amount of grant money requested. Roseann and Mike are seeking estimates at the current time. 

*A lengthy discussion took place regarding our email through the town and how/who will monitor it. 

III.  Annex: Mark will follow up with Martin Kelly

IV. October Newsletter:  Ideas were discussed. Mark offered to write an article about the Revolutionary War monument.

V.  Old/New Business: 

A. Town Flag- We have limited options for the presentation of the flag to the town other than a SB meeting. Memorial Day was suggested and Mike will follow up with Nick on this option.

B.  Mike reported he has resumed posting historical pictures on the Brimfield Community page with a good reception.

C.  John expressed concerns about the graveyard and the need to stabilize the archway. Our concerns should be brought to the attention of the Cemetery Commission with both historical and public safety concerns.

D. Mark:  The five signs indicating the entrances to the historical district need painting and repair. Mark offered to purchase the necessary materials and take care of it. Mike made a motion to approve expenditures up to $40 for post repair. Sue seconded the motion and all members present voted in favor. The motion passed.

* Sue made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:03 pm and it was seconded by Mike.