Historical Commission

Meeting date: 
Thursday, February 8, 2024

Present:  Sue D., Adrienne B., Mike D., Roseann B.

Absent: Mark C., Bob C., John C.

meeting called to order: 6:03pm

I.  Annual Report: Sue reported that our section of the annual report was submitted in January and resubmitted in an alternate format on 2/7. Mike and Roseann were thanked for their contributions and copies were provided for members present. 

II. Plaque Program: Mike reported that we have a completed template for our new historical house markers. Our agreed price is $90 and will be completed by Joe Faucher of the Brimfield Sign Company. We discussed using social media to spread the word and Adrienne will take care of this. Mike will send the information to Adrienne for advertising on our Facebook page as well as the Brimfield Community page. 

III. Book Sales:  Sue reported that $50 was collected from Hitchcock on 1/11/24, Adrienne's sales from 12/15 totaled $15, and $60 was collected from the Apple Barn in November. Funds have not been deposited yet as not all collections were in. Mike presented $75 that he collected from the library. Sue will go to the Apple Barn this weekend to collect and check on the number of books that she has remaining. 

IV. Historical Marker Replacement: Bob had requested this agenda item due to previous discussions on the topic of the Curtis Island marker being in poor condition. We will circle back when he is present. A discussion took place regarding the location of the marker. We questioned whether or not it is in Holland and not Brimfield. Sue reported that the town of Holland lists it on a trail guide around Lake Siog. More information/further discussion is needed. 

V. Cannon/Fence Project: Mike reported on his email communications with Zach, from the Highway Dept. We were advised not to discuss the fee for repairing the fence that was damaged in the car accident in January. This work will be separate from our preservation project.  We discussed pursuing a quote from Bartett Consolidated regarding restoration of the fence and cannons due to their current condition.

VI. Records Project: Mike reported it is moving along and is approximately 80% complete. Mike has continued to double check items in the vault and make sure they are in his database. He has been working for the past two weeks in the middle room and not the great room due to the cold. Mike bought more archival materials. Items in the safe will stay in the safe.

 VII. Newsletter: We discussed including information on the marker program in the next issue with directions on how to contact the BHC.  The newsletter for January was also discussed and social media was used to distribute, along with a posting to the town website historical commission page. 

VIII. New/Old Business: 

A. Mike continues to post daily pictures on the Facebook page and the community response has been very favorable. 

B. Mike reported he met with a woman who provided photos of the west side of Brimfield. He also met with a woman from Amherst College who was interested in one of their early founders/donors who was from Brimfield. Israel Trask was the person of interest. She wanted to know if we had any papers or documents on him here in town. 

Meeting adjourned at 6:51 with a motion by Sue and second motion by Adrienne.