Historical Commission

Meeting date: 
Thursday, March 3, 2022

* after technical difficulties with Microsoft Teams, the meeting was called to order late, at 6:10pm

Present at Hitchcock:  John, Sue D., Sue O., 

Present via Teams:  Roseann, Mark, Mike, Bob, Adrienne

I.  Billboard:  request was made by another group to use the billboard that belongs to our board. Discussion ensued.  Mark made a motion that any non-profit group may request to use the billboard with our permission for a limited time period. It was seconded by John.  All voted in favor.  

II.  Guest: George Adams presented a proposal developed by the Scouts to the Select Board regarding a skating rink on the common.  A handout was submitted for our review and a request was made for funding.  Our board was asked to consider funding support and a vote will be taken at a later time when  answers to our questions could be provided .  Mr. Adams also reported on the painting of the historic meetinghouse and planned repairs to the steeple.  He reported that pictures will be taken for historical record. 

III. Gazebo Project:  The project was recapped by Bob at length. Discussed the gazebo install, concrete sonotubes, landscaping, terracing, and electrical, as well as sidewalks provided by the town.  Discussed the additional needs of security lighting, sineage, and decorations.  More research is needed in these areas.  All needs to be approved by the Select Board.  June 30th is the deadline for the "earmark" to be spent. 

IV.  Book Project:  The Brimfield Market was brought more books as they went through the first batch.  $315 would go to Sue for deposit into the book account. Discussed the need to discuss the sales with Hitchcock and the Library.  

V.  Stamp Project:  Emails were sent to Oregon about the stamp idea.  Daughters of the American Revolution was sent more information.  


7:20 motion to adjourn made by Sue O., Second by Mike