Historical Commission

@ Hitchcock Academy
Meeting date: 
Thursday, April 7, 2022

Present in person:  Sue D., Mike, John

Present via Microsoft Teams:  Mark, Sue O., Adrienne, 

The meeting was called to order at 6pm

I.  Book Project Update:  Mike provided a financial report on book sales.  Proceeds will be deposited ASAP.  There are 62 books in Mike's possession and unknown numbers at each of the sales sites:  Apple Barn, Library, Brimfield Market, and Hitchcock.  

II.  Stamp Project:  Mike reported that emails have been sent to the Oregon Historical Society and the Daughters of the American Revolution regarding the stamp idea.  The DAR responded with a request for a Zoom meeting.  The "Friends of Forest Grove" organization indicated interest and requested additional information.  John reported having no luck with a response from Pacific University.  We suggested a new approach, such as a letter to the President of the University.  A letter will be sent to the Stamp Committee, a 13 member board asking for consideration of a Tabitha Moffat Brown stamp. Mike would like to send letters to local politicians with a cover letter asking for state support/letters of support.  Additional ideas include involving the elementary school (kids writing letters), presentations at Hitchcock and the Senior Center to begin a letter writing campaign.  

III.  Gazebo Project:  The Gazebo will be installed in May and the pier foundation will be installed before.  A lengthy discussion took place on concerns for the integrity of the town common.  Many expressed dissatisfaction with the project and the drastic changes to appearance of the common.  We discussed additional side projects including banners, flag pole, sound system, sign, lighting, sign post, etc. Discussed the need for beautiful landscaping around the gazebo as a priority with appropriate "period" plantings for a historic common.  

IV. New/Old Business:

a. Visit to the town hall attic is planned for Tuesday the 12th at 11 am to look for historical items being stored there.

b.  Lengthy discussion on the proposed ice rink took place.  Members voiced strong reasons against the project.  A vote was taken for/against the rink.  By the time of the vote, only 5 members remained at the meeting.  All five voted against the ice rink.

Meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm