Historical Commission Meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, January 6, 2022

Present: Roseann, Adrienne, Mike, Mark, John, Sue D. 

Meeting was called to order at 6:05 by Sue DeBruin

I.  Book Project:  Mike reported that sales have been steady at the Brimfield Market, Hitchcock, and the Apple Barn.  The Library was closed.  He will send an update via email on sales numbers.  He expressed disappointment over responses from several newspaper organizations regarding covering the book story, but would continue to pursue the Republican and Mass Live.  Discussed future marketing and sales strategies including Amazon, OSV, the Church, and local bookstores.  Discussed circling back on Facebook every so often. 

II.  Mark made a motion that we increase the number of our voting members on the BHC from seven to eleven effective as soon as possible. Mike seconded the motion and all appointed members voted in favor to open enrollement on the board to eleven.  

III. Gazebo Project:  Reviewed the list of vendors to whom new bid packets were sent on December 22, 2021, including a five page scope of work statement, and thumb drive with pictures of model. Reviews additional projected expenses.  Bid packets are expected by January 14, 2022. 

IV.  Commemmorative Stamp:  A project was proposed by Mike DeFalco to submit the name Tabitha Moffatt Brown for a stamp, which would bring light to her contributions in American history.  The need to coordinate with other groups was discussed, including Pacific University and the historical society of Oregan.  Volunteers would be needed for this undertaking. John agreed to write a letter.   

V.   The town common improvements project was discussed at length.  Members expressed the need to create a master plan, which was attempted years ago using a consulting firm.  Discussed that there is an engineering firm involved which will oversee all work conducted on the common.  

Sue D. made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7pm.  Roseann seconded the motion.