Historical Commission Meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, May 5, 2022

Members present:  Bob C., Sue O., Sue D., Mike D., Adrienne B., Roseann B., John C. 

Members using remote access:  Mark C. 

Meeting called to order:  6:06pm

I. Book Project Update: (MD) $945 was reported to have been collected from private sales, Hitchcock Academy, Apple Barn, and the Brimfield Market

II.  Tabitha Brown Stamp Project: (MD) Letters were sent to congress men and women, state reps, and the Mass Historical Society.  Mike would like to send a letter to the closest DAR chapter- perhaps Worcester.  Mike reported he participated in a 1 1/2 hour meeting on Zoom with the Tabitha Brown Club- a chapter of DAR in Oregon.  They will reach out again once they have held a meeting and present the ideas for the commemmorative stamp.  It may be a 2+ year wait.

III.  Town Hall Records:  Mike, Sue D., and John toured the attic of the Town Hall to take an inventory of any historical items or documents.  Afterwards- accessed our office on the 2nd floor and discovered vital historical records had been stacked on the desk and filing cabinet at some point during the pandemic. John wrote an inventory and expressed concerns over the improper storage of historical documents, and distributed this via mail and in person at the meeting.   Mike reported that he had approached our town clerk and the chair of the BOS and all expressed concerns regarding fire protection, poor environmental conditions of all stored records (basements of Annex and Town Hall and our office).  We discussed our concerns and possible solutions at length as a board.  We identified needing both short and long term plans for storage of fragile, historical records. Mike prepared and distributed his own list of concerns and stated he would blend his with John's for presentatation to the BOS on 5/23/22.  

IV. St. Christopher's/ the Windmill:  The parish priest at St. Christophers expressed concerns to a board member about protecting the historic windmill should the property need to be sold in the future. The board was invited to meet with him to discuss transferring the windmill to the BHC.  Meeting TBD

V.  Billboard:  Discussed the need to take it down once we have finished advertising/marking the book.  Will need to offer it's use to other non-profit agencies to use. 

VI.  Gazebo Project:  Bob reported that installation of the stamped concrete walkway was a few weeks away.  He reported that the gazebo will arrive on May 18th, 2022.  Bob plans to meet with Mike T. from Landscape Evolution to discuss terracing and plantings.  Composite stairs are needed to match the gazebo flooring.  A 30 ft. flagpole has been ordered/placed on deposit.  Tantasqua electrical apprentices will meet on the common next Monday to discuss connecting the gazebo to the power source.  Discussed possible other expenses to spend the earmarked funds.  

Sue D. made a motion to adjourn at 7:43 pm  Second motion made by Mark.