Historical Commission Meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, May 4, 2023

Present: Mark C, Roseann B, Mike D, Bob C. John C, Sue D, Sue O

Absent: Adrienne B.

I.  John provided education regarding the Brimfield Cheese Factory Company which was originally located on the east side of Brookfield Rd. The cellar hole is still visible and John shared pictures of it's current state. The history was discussed at length. 

II. Newsletter: Mike reported that he printed 10 copies of the newsletter and left them at Hitchcock

III. Roving Archivist Report: Mike reported that he received a copy of the report on 5/3/23 and summarized the findings. He reported that the records team continues to go through materials and discussed the need to purchase more storage containers for documents. 

IV. Brimfield Book- Mike reported that approximately 360 have been sold to date. Alternative avenues were discussed including OSV for potential sales. 

V. Video Histories- Nine video histories are present on the computer in the Sherman Room with instructions on how to access them. Bob will go through them and create a summary of what is covered on each. Bob would like to do a tornado video history and potentially include the Rabbitt family as well as D. Bell. Conducting a "Bay Path" video was also discussed. 

VI. Landmark for Auction Acres- Ongoing discussions with current owners have revealed their continued desire to create a landmark with a stone marker explaining the historic and economic significance of the property. This will be accomplished through state funding or private funding. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the flea market and significance of the landmark. 

VII. New/Old Business:

A. Paperwork- Mark made a motion for Sue O. to act as treasurer for our board. Roseann seconded the motion and all present voted in favor with none opposed. 

B. Old Home Day- Cindy, exec. director of HFA joined us to discuss what the committee is looking for from non-profits. Should we participate, we would be asked to engage the community in some way- a historical game or scavenger hunt. Further discussion is needed at the next meeting. 

C. William Eaton- discussion was held regarding the whereabouts of his property. Mike will look into this

D. John provided the history of the 1st store in Brimfield- history of the "Woodbine". 

E. Gazebo plantings- Bob reported on the need for a caretaker for the plantings. We agreed that a solution needs to be at the town level. 

F. Discussion about records that board members are storing in their homes on behalf of the BHC.  Discussed purchasing a lockable storage cabinet with our remaining budget. Further discussion on what to buy will take place via email with a report next month. 

G. State flag- discussion on how to purchase a copy of the Brimfield flag that currently hangs in the state house. Further discussion is needed. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 with a motion by Sue O. and a second motion by Roseann