Historical Commission Meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, June 8, 2023

Present: Bob C, Mark C, Roseann B, Sue D, Sue O, Mike D, Adrienne B

Absent: John C.

I. The board signed the accounts payable voucher allowing Sue O. to make deposits and request payment of vendors. 

II.  Filing cabinet- Sue O. sent a voucher to Marie, in accounting, and a check will be cut on the next warrant. The cabinet will need to be picked up and transported to the town hall 2nd floor.  

III.  Town Flag- Mike made a motion to send a letter to the SB requesting that they purchase a new town of Brimfield flag, a replica of the one that currently hangs in the state house since the copy that the town once had has gone missing. The motion was seconded by Roseann. All present voted in favor with none opposed. Mark suggested we not only ask the town to purchase one copy, but also that we pay for an additional flag for Nick, the original artist, to have. Mike made a motion for our commission to purchase a second flag for Nick. Bob seconded the motion and all were in favor. 

IV. Town Records- Mike reported that the committee working on organizing and cataloging town records is making progress. They are transporting records from the 2nd floor downstairs and that archival materials are still needed for proper storage. A discussion took place on items that don't need to be saved and they were listed. Only the 4 bound volumes of the mass general court from 1707 were deemed to be in need of saving. Multiple copies of voter registration lists and town reports, etc. were determined to be not in need of archiving. 

V.  Annex- Given the recent structural/engineering report on the annex (Salisbury house) a lengthy discussion took place in which various opinions on the subject were voiced. Our collective interest in preservation of the original "shell" of the home permeated the discussion. Concerns for feasibility remained. We discussed the importance of time in presenting our position as a historical commission to the building committee and select board. Sue O made a motion that the BHC recommend that the Brimfield Building Committee save the footprint of the original Salisbury House. Roseann seconded the motion. Four members voted in favor and one abstained. Motion passed. Roseann offered to find the plans showing the original blueprint of the Salisbury House. 

VI. Gazebo plantings- Mark reported that he attended the SB meeting and presented our concerns for having a caretaker responsible for watering the plants. Mark indicated we are still waiting for an action plan, but that the SB was sympathetic to the problem. 

VII. New/Old business-

A. Roseann made a motion to begin the process of assisting homeowners with making improvements to their properties. Discussion ensued and questions were raised. Sue seconded the motion with all in favor. Motion passes to support decaying properties. Mark and Bob volunteered to spearhead the initial efforts. 

B. Mike reported that he sent an email to the survey company conducting recent "digs" in the area. They responded that they will look into what they can supply to us. 

C. Mike reported that he sent the Roving Archivist report via email to those that indicated they wanted to read it. It was suggested that we create a disaster plan for our records. 

D. Roseann offered to run a table at Old Home Day.

E. Living History Interviews- Bob reported that he will get in touch with cable access and inquire about continuing the program.  

F. Sue D. made a motion to adjourn at 7:36pm. Sue O, seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.