Historical Commission Meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, July 13, 2023

I.  Historic Place Names- Carolyn Haley provided copies of old Brimfield maps for our distribution. To be sold at Old Home Day. 

II.  Post Office Box Renewal- Discussed the need to continue paying for a PO box and we unanimously determined it was no longer necessary to have. Sue D will cancel and Mike will turn in his extra key. 

III.  Filing Cabinet- Bob reported he will rent a trailer and requested volunteers to get it to the second floor in the Town Hall. Roseann offered her husband's truck for pick up and support with transporting it upstairs. Further communication will take place via the parties through email. 

IV. Gravestone Cleanings-Bob reported seeing a specialized truck and crew cleaning graves in another town's cemetery. He suggested looking into grants for fixing our local old gravestones that are in danger. More information/discussion required. 

V. Old Home Day- Roseann reported she will organize this year's OHD. She has a collection of "freebies" to distribute and Kitty Lowenthal will assist her and will bring books to sell along with 101 things. Banner use will be coordinated with Sue D. We discussed talking to Cindy about having a tent location next to HFA. This will be looked into. 

VI. Records Project- Mike reported that the town approved $1500 for archival materials. Fran P., Mike, and Roseann continue to go through items one by one. 

VII. Town Flag- update provided by Mike. The town approved purchasing a flag and the BHC will purchase a flag for Nick. 

VIII. Blighted Property Committee- update by Bob. He reported that he spoke to a state fire marshal about underground tanks ans suggested a site walk. Concerns were raised due to private property and the issue of family owned vs abandoned. More information is needed about the owners and if they would like support regarding the old gas tanks. Discussed not having a blight bylaw. Mark reiterated the committee's role in this being facilitators of assistance. Suggested making a list of properties in question and writing letters. Discussed we are at the brainstorming stage of this project. Martin Kelly will meet with us after the flea markets are over. 

IX. Benjamin Salisbury House/Annex- update on several topics by commission members. We discussed a "friends of the historical commission" , the house being on the national register, and the structural integrity of the building. A lengthy discussion took place. The next steps will be discussed at another time. 

X. New/Old Business-

A. requests for house plaques and where to go since the business we formerly used is not in business anymore. Mike will look into finding another company

B. Auction Acres- Bob reported on the progress on the monument honoring Gordon Reid for the 65th anniversary of the flea market. 


Motion to adjourn made by Sue D. at 7:14 pm., seconded by Sue O