Historical Commission Meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, September 1, 2022

Present:  Sue D., Sue O, John C, Mike D, Bob C, Mark C

*Meeting began at 6pm

I.  We were first joined by Kate Corriveau who came to discuss the landmark process for their property at 35 Main Street.  She provided some background information on the project and her progress to date. She reported that the property already has a historical designation and is on the National Register of Historic Places.  She provided copies of the proposed wording for a metal sign that would be placed on a stone marker near the entrance to the property.  The BHC members present gave full support for her endeavor.  

II. Gazebo Project- The dedication of the gazebo was discussed.  We felt it was a success with a good turnout from the community.  The remaining tasks include placing two trash barrels somewhere near the gazebo and installing the historic sign. The electrical issues have been resolved.

IV.  Book Project- Mike reported on money collected and books sold through each vendor.  Discussed re-launching a publicity campaign to sell books around the holidays.  Mike does not feel a third printing is needed right now as there are books remaining from the 2nd printing.  

V.  Stamp Project- Mike reported he has not heard from the committee or anyone in Oregon.  

VI.  Windmill- Mike left a message at the rectory.  He has not heard back. 

VII. Documents- Mike reported that he met with John and Roseann.  The grant was discussed, as well as the options of pods and Iron Mountain for storage.  Roseann spoke with the treasurer in Wales who will get back to her on this after their town election.  We discussed a possible tour of the vault, the need to take an official inventory, and the need for archival boxes.  We discussed purchasing some in various sizes as a start.  Mark reported that we have the money for this.  Mike and the committee will consider how many should be initially ordered and will report back. We discussed that a significant amount may be needed.  If we receive the SHRAB grant that Sue O. wrote then other grants for archival materials will be easier to obtain.  The first step is to have the roving archivist come to look at what we have and how it's stored.  She will provide direction on how to proceed.  The subject of what to do with duplicate items currently housed at the library was next discussed.  Mike will report at the library trustee meeting on 9/13, that the BHC fully supports assisting with the storage of duplicate historical materials.  

VIII.  New/Old Business:  * Discussed the need to visit the stone marker on Gov. Fairbanks Rd, a possible program on Auction Acres, West Brookfield historical society asparagus fest materials/walking tours, binders provided by John, and a contact looking for information on the old corner store (Sue will follow up with him)

* meeting adjourned at 7:20pm