Historical Commission Meeting

@ Hitchcock Academy
Meeting date: 
Thursday, November 3, 2022

present:  Bob C., Mike D., Adrienne B., Roseann B., John C., Sue D.

remote access:  Mark C. 

absent: Sue O.

meeting called to order at 6:08pm

I.  Amanda Day- guest representing Wreaths Across America, inquired about use of the fundraising billboard.  We discussed that the select board had wanted the billboard off the common and that it was already taken down.  Use of the billboard would require coordination with the storage facility. John requested that if the billboard comes out again, that it not sit in front of the gazebo this time.  She wasn't sure it would be possible to accomplish this year but perhaps another time in the interest of time.  The day/ceremony will be December 17 at 11:30 am.  We discussed assisting her efforts with our social media page and posting the flyer on our new billboard. 

II.  Veterans Heritage Grant- we discussed that we won't be able to apply during this round.  We were unable to determine a cost of the restoration project, which was a requirement. We will continue to pursue information to be ready for the next time this grant is offered. 

III.  Document Preservation Project- Roseann, John, Mike, and Fran P., have been working at the vault, documenting what's there, and organizing documents.  Mike reported that Deb (Town Clerk) indicated there is money available for storage boxes going forward.  Mike reported that he spoke with Digital Commonwealth regarding digitization.  

IV. Stamp Project- no update

V. Windmill- no update

VI. Newsletter- Need to offer ideas/articles/pictures

VII.  Decorations for the gazebo- Adrienne offered to head a committee for decorating.  Sue D, and Roseann offered to help.  Communications will take place through email. 

VIII.  Old Business- discussed the bulletin board and what constitutes a community event for posting. We also discussed the annual report and the need to gathering information early for writing it. Bob made a motion that we write a draft early and submit to the board for approval.  Second motion by Mike- all in favor. By the December meeting we will have a lits of things to include in the report. 

meeting adjourned at 7:05pm