Historical Commission Meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, December 8, 2022

Present:  Sue D., Sue O., John C., Adrienne B., Roseann B., Bob C.

Absent: Mike D., Mark C.

Meeting called to order at 6:06pm

I.  Suzanne Collins telephoned in to the meeting to communicate information regarding the Town Hall.  She reported that there are several projects underway involving obtaining estimates for a public water system, restorative painting, and replacement windows.  She indicated that the SB would like the BHC involved regarding several aspects of the project particularly in the selection of a historically accurate color for the building. She will keep in communication with the BHC about this. 

II.  Reports on the Archaeological Survey, book sales, windmill, and stamp projects will be reported at the next meeting. 

III.  Gazebo: Sue D., Adrienne, and Roseann reported on the Christmas decorations.  Sue O. made a motion to reimburse Adrienne for the costs incurred with a second by Roseann.  All voted in favor of her reimbursement.  Adrienne will store all decorations until they can be used next year.  Discussion commenced regarding opening dialogue with the Brimfield Community Partnership about town common decorations going forward. 

IV. Town Records Project update: Roseann reported that progress is being made.  The group including Roseann, John, and Mike meet Tuesday mornings and continue to take inventory. More supplies are needed.  The Roving Archivist Grant was awarded to the town for this project. 

Meeting adjourned 7pm