Historical Commission Meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, January 5, 2023

Present: Sue D., Sue O., John C., Roseann B., Adrienne B., Mike D. 

Absent: Bob C. 

Present remotely: Mark C.

I.  The board reflected on the 2022 year and the various projects that were both initiated and completed.

II.  Congratulations were offered to Mike and Sue O. for applying for and receiving the Roving Archivist Grant relating to the town records project. It was reported that Mike should be hearing from them soon and a visit will be expected.  The specialist will reportedly give recommendations for preservation.  Currently, the work of Mike, Fran P., Roseann, and John includes the creation of a database and storing records in archival boxes and sleeves.  More archival materials are needed and Mike will reportedly work with the town on using available funds to purchase these materials. Mike also reported that he contacted the Boston Public Library to scan fragile and/or bound materials.  The organization and documentation process will continue 1x per week for several hours in the winter of 2023.

III.  Archaeological Survey- Mike reported that he attended a dig in Brimfield as signs for early human habitation were explored.  Mike requested a copy of the report on findings when it's completed in the spring of 2023.

IV.  BHC web page on the town website-  A lengthy discussion was held on how to enhance our page. Sue O. would like to be added as a key contact. Proposed changes include changing "Staff" to board members, adding board members, creating and posting a mission statement, and posting links for the newsletter.  

V.  Town Hall- John reported that in 1999 he gave a lecture about the architecture of buildings surrounding the town common.  In it, he spoke of the town hall and read the content to the board. The town hall has a rich history and as it faces renovation in the year ahead, the BHC discussed the need to stay involved in a consultation role. The color was discussed at length and a sample of the original exterior paint was discussed as necessary.  It was discussed that the original colors may not appeal to current taste, but that the building needs to preserved with the original integrity in mind and that includes using the rich, vibrant, earthy colors as in the original design. Replacement windows were discussed and John acknowledged that the church used vinyl windows and reported they are an acceptable alternative to wood framed windows.   

VI. Annual Report- The board discussed having members submit reports on their individual projects to assist Sue in writing the annual report.  We discussed getting this information in by the end of the month.  

VII.  New/Old Business:

1. The library donated a spinning wheel to the BHC.  Mike picked it up and moved it to temporary storage. He spoke to a gentleman from OSV who provided a list of contacts to have it restored. 

2. Book Sales- Mike reported that a book sold on EBay and he submitted $20 to Sue for our account

3. Sue reported that on January 11, there will be a presentation on gravestones in New England at the Congregational Church in Westfield. She also reported that our own senior center will be hosting a speaker on Wednesday and she will share details via email. 

4.  Mike reported that he hasn't heard anything regarding the stamp project.  The 2023 stamps have been announced and the Tabitha stamp wasn't one of them.  Mike indicated he may submit materials for nominating her for the the quarters for women in American history.

5.  The board discussed the desire of many to host speakers regarding area history.

6. The board discussed the need for gravestone cleaning.

7.  Historical Plaques- Mark reported that we need to find a new manufacturer.  The gentleman when made them for us has since passed away.  

**A motion to adjourn was made by Sue O. and a second motion was made by Mike.  The meeting adjourned at 7:34pm