Historical Commission Meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, March 2, 2023

Present: John C., Bob C, Adrienne B, Sue D, Mike D, Sue O., 

Remote: Roseann B, Mark C.

The meeting was convened at 6:01 pm with 7 members and 1 adjunct member present

I.  Sue O. was thanked for completing the annual report

II. An update on the website was provided by Mike, who explained what we are and aren't able to post on our page.  He reported that the newsletter has been uploaded to the web page and a field has been added for future newsletters. We discussed the announcements section and the option of leaving the feed for news items from the town or using it for ourselves for our mission statement, etc. 

III.  Newsletter content: discussed including our mission statement and perhaps a paragraph in each newsletter about the living history interviews.  Discussed the deadline will be the 23rd of each month for submission.  Discussed the contents for the April newsletter.  

IV. CCC press release- Mike reported the board of the CCC legacy would like us to submit their press release to local papers.

V.  Speaker program: We discussed the desire to have a speaker program.  Possible topics could include Tabitha Brown, CCC, Living Histories, etc. 

VI. Select Board Meeting: Mike reported that he attended the recent SB meeting to discuss the records project.  The subject of the town hall and the annex was brought up and the SB requested our opinion on renovation vs. rebuilding. A lengthy discussion took place regarding board members' opinions on balancing preservation with providing healthy working conditions in the town. We agreed to revisit the issue at future meetings. 

VII.  Roving Archivist:  Mike reported on the roving archivist's visit. A tour was provided and questions were asked/answered.  A report will be issued in April. 

VIII.  New/Old Business: Sue O. reported she was not able to discuss our account with anyone at the town offices because of staff issues.  Deposits need to be made and questions asked about deductions that were of an unknown origin. Sue informed us of a flyer put forth by the Westfield historical society regarding their burial ground and we discussed restoring gravestones.  

Motion to adjourn at 7:09 by Sue. Second motion made by Mike