Historical Commission Meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, April 6, 2023

* This meeting was called to order at 6:08pm with the following members present: Sue D., Mike D., Adrienne B., John C.  Remote access was provided and Bob C. and Sue O. joined via Teams. 

I. Finance: Sue O. described issues regarding managing monetary accounts and reported needing to be an authorized person to undertake the role. Mike made a motion to authorize Sue O. to submit accounts payable on behalf of the BHC. A second motion was made by John. Sue O., Sue D., Mike, John, Adrienne voted unanimously in favor. Bob was not present in the meeting at this point. None were opposed. Mike presented a second motion to remove Mark as an authorized person for making deposits and the motion was supported by John, and all voted in favor (Sue O, Sue D, Mike, John, Adrienne) with none opposed. Bob was not yet present. A third voted was taken regarding purchases. Mike presented a motion that the dollar amount of all purchases or reimbursements needs to be approved by the BHC prior to spending in an effort to eliminate to confusion over deductions. The motion was seconded by Sue D., and all present voted in favor (Sue D, Mike, Adrienne, John) with none opposed. 

II.  History Sign: Update was provided by Sue D. on the historical sign on the common. It was reported that both Hitchcock and the winery expressed interest in posting community events on the billboard. Sue and Adrienne will post their flyers and install the new header on Saturday (4/8).  

III.  Newsletter:  The board discussed the April edition. Regarding the CCC article, Mike asked if Sue O. would use her contact list to forward a press release on behalf of the CCC Legacy group. Sue O. agreed. Ideas for the May newsletter were discussed.  Sue D. offered to write an article and provide pictures regarding the new Brimfield welcome sign. Mike discussed writing an article on a resident having hiked the full Appalachian Trail. Discussion continued regarding video histories and some confusion about where they are stored and how they can be accessed. Since they were mentioned in the newsletter, the importance of verifying how they can be viewed was discussed. 

IV.  Records project:  Mike reported that progress is being made. Some repairs including significant dust slowed things last month. He has not heard from the archivist. A report is due soon. 

V.  Gazebo Project: Bob reported that a $50,000 reimbursement did not come in. He is working on this with the state. Bob also expressed concerns about gazebo plantings and recommended writing a letter to the Select Board to appoint a person to care for the plants and beds. He also would like continued discussion regarding decorations for holidays. 

VI. New/Old business:  

a. Discussed the Brimfield flag that hangs in the state house and the problem with finding the second one. Mike reported that the man who made the originals is still in business and how we should petition the town to pay for it. 

b. John asked about the progress (if any) on the windmill project. Mike reported that there has been no response from the diocese that is managing the church properties. A lengthy discussion took place regarding the preservation of the Annex and the Town Hall. Mike reported that he attended the Building Committee meeting and they wanted to know our position. Mike reported to them that we had not voted due to the need for more information, but that our feelings leaned toward preservation. John expressed that it would be wrong to destroy our historical buildings and he spoke of the history of the Annex in particular- that it was once the office of Dr. Clay and how kerosene lamps once lit every window. We discussed additional concerns such as the storage and/or preservation of paintings and artifacts during possible restoration/renovation initiatives. In particular, the GW painting, the clock, safes, etc. We discussed the need to have a voice in the decision making. 

At 7:19 pm the meeting ended, following a motion to adjourn by Sue.