ZBA Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Minutes ZBA Jan 8, 2020  


In attendance were Pat Leaming, Jon Fagerstrom, and Mike MacFadden. 

Pat called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm. JF seconded.  Minutes from October 10, 2019, were amended and approved based on audio recording.  Pat motioned to accept and JF seconded. Minutes from December 12, 2019, were presented and accepted.  Pat motioned to accept and JF seconded. 

There was no new business to discuss and a new meeting date was not planned as Kevin Moore was unable to be there.  ZBA meeting was adjourned at 6:40 pm. 

A joint meeting with the Planning Board began.  The ZBA discussed a proposal for a zoning change for estate lots and is asking the Planning Board to come on board with us, adding support, input and feedback, in hopes of having a proposal ready for the February submission deadline.  ZBA members thanked the Planning Board members for listening and ended their portion of the joint meeting with them. 


Respectfully submitted, 


Debra Fagerstrom – ZBA Clerk 



Kevin Moore 



Harold (Pat) Leaming 



Jon Fagerstrom 



Michael MacFadden